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Our soil, our home | CLAW | Initiative for Climate Law

Our soils,
Our home

There is no space for the B68New!

In the Raab Valley in Styria, known for its award-winning pumpkin seed oil, a serious threat is looming: the B68New is planned to run through the most fertile soils in Austria, endangering the existence of many family farms. Despite two existing roads and a train line, this outdated and costly road project is being pushed forward, which could lead to expropriations of farmers. It is an example of outdated infrastructure planning and reckless soil exploitation, against which legal action is now being taken.

With a strong backing from the local community, the affected farmers are standing up against the B68New. Supported by the renowned climate lawyer Michaela Krömer and the CLAW initiative, all legal steps are being taken to secure our home and future.

Our soils, our home - together we will safeguard our valuable heritage for our children.

Project - B68New

The B68New road project in south-eastern Styria is to be 7.7 km long and run between Fladnitz and Saaz. Although two roads and a train line already exist, a third road is to be built. But the costs are high: instead of solving traffic problems, the project threatens to bring more traffic and noise. Alternatives that actually benefit the entire region urgently need to be assessed.

High costs - 63.5 million euros

Farmers expropriated & family farms closed down

Fertile soils destroyed forever

More roads
→ more traffic
→ more noise
→ more emissions

Project - B68New

Legal steps

Supported by the renowned climate lawyer Michaela Krömer and the CLAW initiative, legal action is being taken to protect our soils and our future. Individual farmers and the environmental organization “” are represented in the course of the environmental impact assessment (EIA). The objections focus on the avoidance of soil sealing, food security, the role of agricultural land as a CO₂ sink, climate protection and the fundamental rights of affected groups. Depending on the outcome of the EIA, further legal steps will be examined for example in expropriation proceedings.

There is also the citizens' initiative “Stop B68New”, which has submitted its objections and is represented by lawyer Wolfram Schachinger. You can find out more about them here.

  1. Alliance of farmers
    August 2022 - The farmers have signed a notarial deed to protect their valuable fields
  2. EIA: Objections
    August 2024 - Submission of the objections
  3. EIA: Oral negotiations
    Date unknown - As soon as the experts have completed their review of the documents, there is an oral hearing
  4. EIA: Decision
    Date unknown - The EIA decision determines whether the project is environmentally compatible and, if necessary
    conditions to minimize the environmental impact
  5. Further legal steps
    Depending on the outcome of the EIA, further legal steps will be examined for example in expropriation proceedings.

Our soils,
our farmers

For generations, farmers in the Raab Valley have been producing high-quality food such as corn, soy and pumpkins for award-winning pumpkin seed oil. In addition to the challenges posed by climate change, extreme weather and flooding, they are facing another threat: the B68New road project, which threatens their livelihoods and would lead to expropriation. Together, they are standing up for our fertile soils and food security. At the same time, they are demanding for a fair and sustainable transport solution for everyone in the region. Discover their story and learn more about Austria's most fertile soils.

Soil consumption
in Austria

The B68New is not an isolated case - the sealing of our soils is systematic in Austria. Here are 4 facts about soil consumption in Austria that should not exist:

Our soils

Let's protect Austria's most fertile soil!

According to a study by AGES on soil requirements for food security in Austria, the soil in the Raab Valley is one of the most fertile soils in Austria (see documents). These must be protected for the food supply.

Take part

Our soils and food security are at stake! The planned B68New would destroy valuable fields forever and endanger the existence of our farmers. We will not stand by and watch as Austria's most fertile soils are ruthlessly destroyed Now is the time to show your support!

This is how you can help:

  1. Spread the word: Share our social media content and campaign images with friends and family.
  2. Donate to protect our soils: Our work is only possible with the generous financial support of many. Your donation supports our legal and organizational efforts. 
  3. Use you vioce: Create a video statement and share it through your channels. Use the hashtag #OurSoils and tag us @claw_climatelaw

Together we protect our soils, support our farmers and send a strong signal against soil sealing. Together we protect what really matters!